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Heavenly Sleep

I am headed to Atlanta this weekend. I am so excited to go to the NCAA championship. My nephew and his teammates from Metro state are playing in the Division II finals. It is the chance of a lifetime and...

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Check In

Check-In! That's a term I really like. Especially when I was the mother of "young adults". Just a quick text, like my friend Barbara says; just a "k". Let us know that you are alive and aware of your surroundings....

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A Baby’s Grip

We have some wonderful friends visiting and they came with an 11 week old infant in tow. It has been a long time since we have had a baby in the house and we are really enjoying the experience. It...

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Consistency is Key

This morning work was SLOW. So slow......the phones weren't ringing like normal, the silence was almost deafening. We don't have too many days like this and as business goes, and that's a good thing! My office manager, who is usually...

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Use Your Core

Last night my daughter was complaining of neck pain. It seems she was down at the beach learning to kiteboard. Actually she was just learning to handle the kite on the beach, a precursor to kiteboarding. I think a boy...

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